Tuning the Guitar

Before the guitar is played, it is most important that the instrument is tuned correctly. It will not have the correct tone otherwise, and players usually end up frustrated because they cannot make the guitar sound pleasing to them. There are many different theories and discussions regarding tuning methods for guitar, some of which are better than others. The most … Read More


If you pluck any string of the guitar, it will produce a tone – a single musical note. A single note can vary in pitch (how high or low the note is). On the guitar the pitch is determined by where the string is fretted. Fretting a string near the nut (towards the headstock) will produce a low-pitched note. Fretting the string higher up the neck … Read More

The Chromatic Scale

If we include sharps and flats, there are a total of twelve notes we can produce in music before hitting the same note we started at, an octave higher. For example, if we started at A we would produce the following notes: This progression of notes is called a Chromatic scale. Note: There are no sharps or flats between the notes B & C and E & F Also note that the sharps and … Read More

Reading Music

Traditional music notation attempts to record music in a written form. This has developed over the years to include symbols for pitch, note duration, timing, rhythm and feeling, and more recently tablature specifically designed for guitarists. Traditional music notation is written on a stave consisting of five horizontal lines, and, for guitarists, will always have a treble clef to denote the range the notes fall in … Read More

Guitar Tablature

Guitar tablature is another form of written music specifically designed for guitarists. Rather than having five lines as in traditional music notation, tablature has six lines – one for each string of the guitar. We then place a numeral on the line of the appropriate string, which tells us the fret number on that string to be played: Listen: This … Read More

Melody and Harmony

This website will look at two aspects of music in detail – Melody and Harmony. The third aspect of music, Rhythm, is touched on briefly in parts, but does not have a section dedicated to it on this site. Melody is concerned with the way single notes sound in succession. Harmony is concerned with the way groups of notes sound when played together. Melody can be … Read More